Mostrant de 1 a 3 de 3 notícies disponibles amb categoria "Premis"
The Masters in Professional Translation renews its European status
The Masters program became a member of the EMT network in the previous round, and this year has renewed its membership until 2029.
The EMT gives students access to the workings of the translation services of the European Commission, with visits to Brussels. Our teaching staff are also invited to attend general and regional meetings on key aspects of translator training.
Adriana Raya Palmer és doctora
Premi DEAA/MacMillan 2019
Dimecres, 6 de març de 2019 a les 12 h a la Sala de Vistes del Campus Catalunya, hi haurà l'entrega dels premis DEAA/MACMILLAN als millors estudiants en llengua anglesa a les PAU.
A l'acte hi haurà la xerrada del Dr. Joan Carles Mora Bonilla que porta per títol "Integrating pronunciation instruction into the language classroom".